In Class Assessment

Answer all of the questions below as completely as possible.  Give examples for all of your answers. The  questions refer to a sinusoidal function of the form

f(x) = A sin [ B (x - C)] + D

1.  How is A related to the largest and smallest values of f(x)?

2.  How is B related to the period of the function?

3.  How do you determine the phase shift of this function.  Be sure to describe how the equation describes the direction of the phase shift.

4.  How is D related to the average value of f(x)? How is A related to the largest and smallest values of f(x)?

5.  If you know the largest and smallest values of y, as well as the period, how can you determine all four coefficients?

6.  What would you expect to be the period of an hours-of-sunlight function? Why?

7.  What would you expect to be the period of a long-term-average temperature function? Why?

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